How to make $100k/mo speaking

Speaker Focus is a private platform for speakers, coaches, consultants and experts to reach millions and make millions through speaking online or in person stages.

Used by thousands of the world's leading experts

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How it works

Speaker Focus gives you everything you need to grow to $100k/mo+ in speaking engagements:

Custom plan: 1on1 onboarding session with Kevin T. Robertson to map out your plan for the year.

Live events: Quarterly 3-day live events to collaborate with other successful speakers.

Coaching: 1x 2-hour weekly Q&A call on Zoom where you can ask our experts questions live.

Tools: Get all the tools required to build, test, maintain, and optimize all your speaking business systems.

Community: Community where you can hang out with other highly paid speakers.

Accountability: Quarterly check-in calls from your success coach to hold you accountable.

Support: Get 24/7 support via the community or email/chat/calls with your success coach.